Sunday, October 9, 2011

2012 Calendar

Life suddenly feels like a crisis. For some reason unknown to me, my plans have twisted and turned in a number of times in the past months. I couldn't even grab a hold of all the glittering thoughts I had, and are still having at the moment.

I/We are planning to move to Singapore - in a country bred with foreign nationals and a rising economy. And I feel stupefied; overwhelmed with so much that's going to change if everything goes well-enough. I don't even know what to expect. The gravity of moving away from my family and the comfort of our home is too big of a risk on its own, not to mention having to miss reunions, the company of friends, and the convenience of work.

But I will not let myself sulk, not until things have gone into their respective places. I can only hope for the best now, and wish that the universe conspires to make the dream come true.
