Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bon Voyage Tatay

I miss Tatay. I miss those days when he was always part of the family outing, birthday parties, and longed-for reunions. I miss playing with him, or talking to him at the least. I may have forgotten things about him: what he likes most, how he used to play with us, how he held me when I was little, and the likes, but I know I will always be reminded of things about him through these:

Although these will always make me smile and look back fondly, I know that these photos will not emanate, nor will it ever replace the warmth of someone who had occupied a big part of my life. I may not have been the most loved, but he will always be the well-loved Lolo to me. He will always be my only ‘Tatay’.

While my heart is mourning, I am joyful that you are now at peace and may well be looking upon us now, loving us from afar…

Tay, please know that we love you too, we miss you by the second, and we pray for your eternal happiness in heaven.

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