Monday, June 23, 2014

Of hiatuses and junctions

After a year and a half of hiatus, I am writing back words, fragments, sentences... while remembering mental notes of the year that passed and the moments that were left untold -- some kept me calm and a whole lot of which left me breathless.

2013 was one of the best years of my life. For starters, I got married and conceived a baby. And after nine amazing months of carrying a bulging tummy, on a sunny day of February 2014, an angel in the name of Xiel David zigzagged his way into our lives. Hurray to womanhood and parenthood at the same time!

Of course, the journey wasn't a fairytale. I went through a series of bumps: bankruptcy (thanks to my extravagant wedding :)), postpartum (myth confirmed), midlife crisis. I initially thought I was well-prepared for adulthood only to be proven wrong.  I rushed things because it felt right at that time. Nothing really prepares you for a life of responsibility but experience. Now, I know better.

I am now officially saying goodbye to singlehood. No to late night work at the office, to unplanned dinner dates with friends, and to surprise movie dates with hubby. Rather, I say hello to sleepless nights, to midnight feedings and burping, to diaper leaks and baby baths.

So here's the best photo of my family. You all know my husband. He's been the subject of my numerous posts here. So let me introduce you to my son, X. (from hereon, my posts might be all about him, as he is the subject of all my musings these days).

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