Saturday, July 31, 2010

Run Jenna, Run

Running had been the sport of many nowadays, a fad if I may say. There had been fun run's here and there. God knows how many fun runs were organized in the last 3 months, let alone a whole year. Contrast to what many believed, I really wanted to be an active runner. But, as much as I want to be one, I know (and I accept) that it's just not my cup of tea. You know, I'm good at a lot of things, except maybe cooking and well, running.

But as consolation, the trying-hard me made it a point, that at least once a year, I do my share of the running, threading, and of course walking. And every time I participated in one, my not-so-versatile legs give up too easily. It just couldn't bear the pain (though I'm not even sure if what I feel is pain). It [legs] just wouldn't want to continue anymore. If there was like a U-turn in every fun run I've been into, I guess I would've took it without hesitation. Not that I don't want to stretch myself to its limits, I just don't see the point in even trying to torture my vertically-challenged and timid legs. (Now for a second there, I thought of Hagibis. LEGS.)

Side note: At the back of my mind, I can't help but wish that one day, may the physique bear a little of the equivalent of the heartaches which this tiny heart handles effortlessly.

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