Thursday, September 10, 2015

Day 1: My profile picture

Facebook profile picture.
Crimson Viper rough sketch by EJ Landicho.
I do not draw. To be truthful, I cannot draw. I am an artist by heart, not by deed. I have a certain view of what art is, but rarely does it come to me by grace. Oftentimes, I had to turn to someone with an eye for color and detail. And that someone's usually my husband, the love of my life, EJ.

We're complete opposites, you see. His definition of art is profoundly diverse than mine. We also have different preferences for most things like food (chicken liver vs lomi), cartoons (live action vs Disney), and hobbies (drawing vs singing). But somehow, his sketches sometimes make me feel like a little kid in a candy store. They show a part of him that can only be expressed through edges and curves. Sometimes, they're his objects of perfection. Other times, they're his current obsessions.

I'm really not the patronizing type.  but I recognize talent, even at its simplest form. 

He's good at a lot of things -- cooking binagoongang baboy, answering trivias, rearing X, hitting the perfect score at the karaoke. I can go on in tales of everything I believe he's good at, but he still won't buy it.

So here I am, continuously hoping and wishing.

I wish he'd draw more. I wish he'd find more time to keep his love of sketching.

I wish he'd learn to not let life be defined by what you are but by who you are now, and who you want to be.

I hope he fights for the dream, because we're never too old to achieve greatness.

But more than that, I just hope he'd believe me when I tell him he's great, and that he'll ALWAYS be enough. Even, MORE than enough.

Side note: A simple profile pic write-up turned into this wishful melancholy. Ahh, it must be the rain. 

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