Thursday, September 10, 2015

The 30-day WRITE MY LIFE Challenge

Hi. I hope this 2016 resurrection of this blog would be its last. A lot has happened in the past year that I cannot elaborate on much unless given certain topics to tackle on. So it's just fitting that to keep the ball rolling in this side of the web, I am joining the 30-day Write my life challenge by one of my industry idols and colleague, Pam Pastor.

If someone still follows this link, or if by any chance someone bumps into my blabbing here, feel free to join in. Doesn't matter if you're a little behind target. I know I am. Maybe I'll catch up, or maybe not. It doesn't matter. What matters is I get to share my life, or at least express it -- not to be heard but to connect. Or perhaps, not connect. Whichever. ^_^

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