Thursday, February 24, 2011

Level 25+

Turning twenty five wasn't really that big of a deal, not even close to being in high spirits for me too. Expectations do let you down. I wonder whoever made up that word to describe such a horrible feeling that sums up undesirable results most of the time. So, yes, in a shorter term, my birthday sucked. But misery had not stopped me from believing that there are greater things ahead, that my happiness is my own and should not be defined by others, nor should it be dependent to someone other than myself.

So amidst all the crises, PMSing, and an earthquake scare, I decided to do something remarkable, just to up the ante.

Remarkable and upping the ante = kite flying. Meet our kite, Matanglawin.

Now look who's also enjoying.

Side note: Another crossed-out item on my list. Hurrah!